Our dearest compatriots, Mylopotamites, Kytherians

anywhere in Greece, everywhere on earth

Dear friends, regular visitors and admirers of our wonderful village,

For the last three years, our reborn and really active Association has taken the initiative to   regenerate the village of Mylopotamos, in Kythera and drive it out from oblivion, devaluation and degradation.

Unfortunately, too many years of indifference for dealing with the commons have turned our village into a sad caricature of itself, unquestionably incompatible to its natural beauty, thus falling into a state of dereliction and becoming the island’s pariah.

Feeling truly ashamed of our generation for tolerating such a disgrace, few young people decided to put an end to that descent in the name of the future generations.

The response to our call was so moving, coming not only from our fellow Kytherians but also from our friends, being in love with Kythera, not ofKytherian origin themselves, that we doubled down on our effort to keep up struggling for our cause, almost starting by scratch.

From the very first moment, we set as our highest priority the reopening of the independent, autonomous Public Benefit Foundations of our village suchas: the Vasilios Malanos (former Household School) and the Alexandros A. Stratigos ‘ ‘ Ξενών’ ‘(Guesthouse), the treatment and purification of Kamari waters and Fonissa’s waterfall as well as the restoration of the derelict School at Kato Hora from the British Occupation period and its conversion into a Cultural Center not only of Mylopotamos but of Kythera too.

Just a month ago, we were informed, with unspeakable joy, that the School from the British Occupation period was included in the Budget of the Regionof Attica, with an amount of 225.000€, so as to be restored and open as a Cultural Center.

What is more, we strived to achieve the appointment of new Boards of Directors for our Public Benefit Foundations, staffed with Mylopotamites being as passionate as we are, with our village.

Although, the effective use of the former Household School (whose revenue belongs entirely to the Community of Mylopotamos, as defined by thecharter of the Foundation) is on the stage of inviting   investment proposals through the process of the long-term lease, the Foundation has to pay off the ENFIA (Uniform Tax on Real Estate Property) of the past 7 years (a result of the multi-year indifference) which totals to around 30.000€. It should be noted that the Foundation has no earnings whatsoever with the Household School building being under threat of confiscation.

In the undesirable case that there will be no investment proposals, there is still a proposal ready to be submitted concerning the draft design of afeasibility study, estimated value 8.500€, which will immediately provoke the expression of investment interest about the conversion of the existing building into a complex of luxury accommodation targeting wealthy citizens.

Even though, our guesthouse is liable to ENFIA equivalent to the previous one, it has a small reserve which can be used for the payment of the first taxinstallments.

It is up to us though, to make good use of it, so as to ensure its renovation and reopening after this multi-year abandonment.

With the kind and free offer of our compatriot, civil engineer and Municipal Councilor of Kythera Mr. Nikolaos Magoulas, an economic and technical study (posted on the site of the Association and the Facebook page) was conducted concerning the absolutely necessary works to be done in order to achieve thereopening of the guesthouse and an amount of 63.000€ was estimated.

A really significant cost, especially nowadays, but this is the price for the decades-long dereliction and decay.

Taking all the above into consideration, our Association is officially announcing the commencement of financial support Fundraiser, aiming to collect an amount of around 100.000€.

We call an army of Mylopotamites anywhere in the world, all our Kytherian compatriots and all the friends of the island, all the people who have this unique feeling for Mylopotamos, mixed with the complaint about the reason why this beautiful place has become so derelict.    

We call them to join us, in a common struggle, all of us who share a truly deep love for this blessed native land, all of us who live upon the goldenmemories and moments we were all so generously given, all of us who are eager for the shade of Platanos, the waters of  Fonissa, the majestic blue of Limnionas and the wonderment of the Aghia Sophia cave  and all of us who feel the despair for the slow and long-suffering withering of this land, so as to take action:

FOR IMMEDIATE FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION, aiming to raise the appropriate amount in order to revive our place of origin and for some of us our birthplace!

The bank account of our Association, where you can deposit your financial donation, is the following:

ΙΒΑΝ: GR0501101390000013900280457


We are asking for it from the bottom of our hearts and we are sure about your immediate response to our request.

We are more than certain that we have the same dream: both the village’s guesthouse to reopen and make good use of the Household School building for the benefit of the whole community!

With our warmest patriotic greetings,

On behalf of the Administrative Board




CHAIRMAN                                                      GENERAL SECRETARY